Monday, July 25, 2011

People are hired for their skills but get fired for their attitude

It is important to be honest, straightforward, and forthcoming on the job with management and coworkers. Employees must be stable and consistent in behaviors and productivity in order to benefit the company and produce profits or positive outcomes. When you are hired as an employee, your company owns the time that you are at work, except for lunches, breaks, and authorized time off.

“People are hired for their skills but get fired for their attitude”

Everything starts with attitude. A negative attitude will lead to difficulty at work and ultimately, poor result.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Down and Dejected

Last night left me feeling very down and dejected - felt i had been let down by my 4 top managers - it was a food issue. Trust and confidence has to be built up and when it happens otherwise, can be really devastating. Just like to share this thought.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground upon which I stand.

Every action has consequences. When a pebble falls into a pool, it produces rings that spread throughout the whole pool in the same way; our actions affect not only this life but our lives to come. Everyone is under the spell of karma, everyone is suffering or enjoying as the result of his past deeds.

We just have to do our selfless service as per the condition which comes our way…..

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Let’s Live Healthier Lives!!

Have you ever heard the saying “Health is Wealth”? I am not sure who coined the phrase but I think there’s a degree of truth to that statement. It may even be more important than all the money you have.

If your wealth is a number, your health would be the leading “1” on a 1,00,00000 (1 Crore).
All the other zeroes represent your material wealth – a house, a car, your investments, family, friends, etc.
As you can see, without the “1” in front, it will just be 00,00000 which is basically NOTHING. This is the same as your health. If you’re not healthy, if you’re getting sick all the time, all your riches do not matter…

Let me share my 3 healthy habits with you what I learnt in the last few years in the process of building a physique, losing weight etc.

1. A healthy and good balanced diet.

2. Exercise.

3. Follow habit no. 1 & 2.